Well, I am a little late, but Happy 5th Anniversary to us! Our anniversary was July 25 and we were in the middle of a little stress, but we still managed to celebrate. We went to the Funny Bone to a comedy show and had a great time. We aren't really much for the "night life", so we felt a little out of our element, but we had a great time. We laughed our heads off! Aaron is a "Back to the Future" lover and the comedian playing that night was Biff from Back to the Future. Aaron made sure that the show was going to be clean and surprised me with tickets. It was really fun! It felt good to go and laugh that hard (it didn't feel great on all of my stitches, but it was good for my soul!) The opening act was hilarious. His name is Jeff Tate. I am nervous to recommend anyone, because you never know if they are going to keep it clean, but he was really clean and funny that night. Anyway, the last 5 years have been amazing and I feel so lucky to be married to Aaron. He is such a great man and a wonderful husband and father. It was love at first sight for me and I feel so blessed to be his wife. Happy Anniversary Honey!